


21 - 30 製品中 51 アイテムを表示 分野


A free-flowing, odorless white powder with guaranteed 99.5 wt. % purity and a 5 μm D50 particle size. Micronized Battery Grade product is a superior purity grade for use as a precursor in making critical battery materials.

分野 工業


Appearance: An odorless white, free-flowing powder Application: A free-flowing, odorless white powder with guaranteed 99.3 wt.% purity and a relatively fine particle size. Technical Grade product is a higher purity grade for use as a precursor in making critical battery materials, is useful in the manufacture of glass, frits, other ceramics and a variety of specialized applications.

分野 エネルギー貯蔵とバッテリーシステム 工業


溶融塩による化学反応および金属精製のほか、ろう付け用フラックス、有機酸化反応の触媒、低温用途の乾電池の電解質、繊維化のための紡糸液の安定剤に使用されます。 アミド溶媒と併用することでポリアミドおよびセルロースの可溶化剤となり、ステロイド薬の塩素化剤としても有用。 また、乾燥装置用の乾燥剤や廃水のトレーサーとしても用いられます。

分野 工業


Appearance: An odorless white, free-flowing powder Application: A free-flowing, odorless white powder with guaranteed 99.5 wt. % purity and a 5 μm D50 particle size. Micronized Battery Grade product is a superior purity grade for use as a precursor in making critical battery materials.

分野 エネルギー貯蔵とバッテリーシステム


Appearance: An odorless white, free-flowing powder Application: A free-flowing, odorless white powder with guaranteed 99.5 wt. % purity and a relatively fine particle size. Battery Grade product is a superior purity grade for use as a precursor in making critical battery materials.

分野 エネルギー貯蔵とバッテリーシステム


Appearance: Clear, colorless to yellow solution. Application: Deprotonation and metal–halogen exchange reactions; synthesis of solution styrene butadiene rubber and of styrenic thermoplastic elastomers. Also used for synthesis of chemical intermediates.

分野 ポリマー 医薬品・農薬


Appearance: Light or pale yellow; clear and free of suspended material. Application: Deprotonation and metal–halogen exchange reactions; synthesis of solution styrene butadiene rubber and of styrenic thermoplastic elastomers. Also used for synthesis of chemical intermediates.

分野 ポリマー 医薬品・農薬


n-ヘキシルリチウムは非自然発火性の強塩基であり、主に有機合成に(脱プロトン化反応において、またリチオ化試薬として)活用されます。この試薬のメリットは、脱プロトン化反応の副生成物としてn-ヘキサンが生じる点です。n-ヘキサンは、n-ブチルリチウムの脱プロトン化で生成されるn-ブタンよりも揮発性が低く引火点が高いのが特徴です。1)The Chemistry of Organolithium Compounds; Pergamon: Oxford, 1974、2)Organolithium Methods; Academic Press: London, 1988

分野 ポリマー


Appearance: Clear, light yellow solution. Application: Deprotonation and metal–halogen exchange reactions; synthesis of solution styrene butadiene rubber and of styrenic thermoplastic elastomers. Also used for synthesis of chemical intermediates.

分野 ポリマー 医薬品・農薬


Appearance: Light yellow to dark amber, clear to cloudy. Application: Deprotonation and metal–halogen exchange reactions; synthesis of solution styrene butadiene rubber and of styrenic thermoplastic elastomers. Also used for synthesis of chemical intermediates.

分野 ポリマー 医薬品・農薬